Samara Klar, Ph.D.
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Academic Publications
44. Rongbo, Jin, Samara Klar, Fabian Neuner, and Mark Ramirez. Forthcoming. “How Cross-Cutting Ties Reduce Affective Polarization: Evidence from Latino Americans.” Political Behavior.
43. Druckman, James N., Samara Klar, Yanna Krupnikov, Matthew Levendusky, and John Barry Ryan. 2024. Partisan Hostility and American Democracy. University of Chicago Press.
42. Jin, Rongbo, Alexander Cloudt, Seoungin Choi, Joy Jia, and Samara Klar. 2023. “The Policy Blame Game: How polarization distorts democratic accountability across the local, state, and federal level.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly. (ungated)
41. Isabel Williams, Tim Gravelle, and Samara Klar. 2022. “Cross-Border Cues: The Influence of Foreign Partisans on Support for Border Restrictions.” American Political Science Review. (ungated)
40. Druckman, James N., Samara Klar, Yanna Krupnikov, Matthew Levendusky, and John Barry Ryan. 2022. “(Mis-)Estimating Affective Polarization.” Journal of Politics 84(2). (ungated)
39. Ianne Susan Wang and Samara Klar. 2022. “Partisanship and Public Opinion.” In Handbook on Politics and Public Opinion (Ed. Thomas Rudolph). Edward Elgar Publishing. (ungated)
38. Klar, Samara, Yanna Krupnikov, and John Barry Ryan. 2022. “Who Are Leaners? How True Independents Differ from the Weakest Partisans and Why It Matters.” The Forum 20(1): 155-167. (ungated)
37. Klar, Samara, and Alexandra McCoy. 2021. “Partisan-Motivated Evaluations of Sexual Misconduct and the Mitigating Role of the #MeToo Movement.” American Journal of Political Science 65(4): 777-789. (ungated)
36. Kingzette, Jonathan, Druckman, James N., Samara Klar, Yanna Krupnikov, Matthew Levendusky, and John Barry Ryan. 2021. “How Affective Polarization Undermines Support for Democratic Norms.” Public Opinion Quarterly. (ungated)
35. Klar, Samara, and Alexandra McCoy. 2021. “The #MeToo movement and attitudes toward President Trump in the wake of a sexual misconduct allegation.” Politics, Groups, and Identities (10.1080/21565503.2021.1908374). (ungated)
34. Klar, Samara, and Elizabeth Schmitt. 2021. “The Evolution of Experiments on Gender in Elections.” In Advances in Experimental Political Science (Eds. James N. Druckman and Donald P. Green). New York: Cambridge University Press.
33. Druckman, James N., Samara Klar, Yanna Krupnikov, Matthew Levendusky, and John Barry Ryan. 2020. “Affective Polarization, Local Contexts, and Public Opinion in America.” Nature Human Behavior. (ungated)
32. Finkel, Eli J., Christopher A. Bail, Mina Cikara, Peter H. Ditto, Shanto Iyengar, Samara Klar, Lilliana Mason, Mary C. McGrath, Brendan Nyhan, David G. Rand, Linda J. Skitka, Joshua A. Tucker, Jay J. Van Bavel, Cynthia S. Wang, and James N. Druckman. 2020. “Political Sectarianism in America.” Science 37 (6516): 533-536. (ungated; supplemental file)
31. Druckman, James N., Samara Klar, Yanna Krupnikov, Matthew Levendusky, and John Barry Ryan. 2020. “How Affective Polarization Shapes Americans’ Political Beliefs: A Study of Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Journal of Experimental Political Science. (ungated)
30. Shmargad, Yotam, and Samara Klar. 2020. “Sorting the News: How Ranking by Popularity Polarizes Our Politics.” Political Communication 37(3): 423-446. (ungated)
29. Klar, Samara, Yanna Krupnikov, John Barry Ryan, Yotam Shmargad. and Kathleen Searles. 2020. “Using social media to promote academic research: Identifying the benefits of twitter for sharing academic work.” PLOS One. (ungated)
28. Klar, Samara, Thomas J. Leeper, and Joshua Robison. 2020. “Studying Identities with Experiments: Weighing the Risk of Post-Treatment Bias Against Priming Effects.” Journal of Experimental Political Science 7(1): 56-60. (ungated; correction to Table 1)
27. Klar, Samara, and Yotam Shmargad. 2020. “Curating the News: How Social Media Facilitates Selective Exposure.” In Eric M. Patashnik and Wendy J. Schiller (Eds.) Dynamics of American Democracy: Partisan Polarization, Political Competition, and Government Performance. University of Kansas Press. (amazon)
26. Klar, Samara. 2020. “Turn and Face the Strange Ch-ch-changes: How an evolving American activates identity politics: A review of three books.” Journal of Politics 82(1): e1-e6 . (ungated)
25. Shmargad, Yotam, and Samara Klar. 2019. “Using Online Experiments to Study Political Decision Making.” In David Redlawsk (Ed.) The Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision-Making. Oxford University Press. (ungated)
24. Klar, Samara, and Thomas J. Leeper. 2019. “Probability versus Purposive Sampling for Experimental Studies of Intersectionality.” In Paul J. Lavrakas, Edith de Leeuw, Allyson Holbrook, Courtney Kennedy, Michael W. Traugott, and Brady T. West (Eds.) Experimental Methods in Survey Research: Techniques that Combine Random Sampling with Random Assignment, pp. 419-434. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. (gated)
23. Davis, Nicholas, Samara Klar, and Christopher Weber. 2019. “Affective Consistency and Sorting.” Social Science Quarterly 100(6): 2477-2494. (ungated)
22. Shmargad, Yotam, and Samara Klar. 2019. “How Partisan Online Environments Shape Communication with Political Outgroups.” International Journal of Communication 13: 2287-2313. (ungated)
21. Weber, Chris, and Klar, Samara. 2019. “Understanding Individual-Level Variation in Ideological Sorting.” Advances in Political Psychology 40(S1): 215-243. (ungated)
20. Klar, Samara. 2018. “When Common Identities Decrease Trust: An Experimental Study of Partisan Women.” American Journal of Political Science. 62(3): 610-622. (ungated; data files)
19. Klar, Samara, Yanna Krupnikov, and John B. Ryan. 2018. “Affective Polarization or Partisan Disdain?: Untangling a Dislike for the Opposing Party from a Dislike of Partisanship.” Public Opinion Quarterly 82(2): 379-390. (ungated)
18. Bergersen, Meghan, Samara Klar, and Elizabeth Schmitt. 2018. “Intersectionality and Engagement among the LGBTQ+ Community.” Journal of Women, Politics, and Policy 39(2): 196-219. (ungated)
17. Gubitz, Samuel, Klar, Samara, Joshua Robison, and James N. Druckman. 2018. “The Political Dynamics of Framing, 2nd Edition.” In Travis N. Ridout (Ed.) New Directions in Media and Politics, New York, NY: Routledge. (gated)
16. Klar, Samara. 2018. “Review: Neither Liberal nor Conservative by Donald Kinder and Nathan Kalmoe.” Perspectives on Politics. (ungated)
15. Klar, Samara, and Yotam Shmargad. 2017. “The Effect of Network Structure on Preference Formation.” Journal of Politics, 79(2): 717-721. (ungated; data files)
14. Beaulieau, Emily, Amber Boydstun, Nadia Brown, Kim Yi Dionne, Andra Gillespie, Samara Klar, Yanna Krupnikov, Melissa Michelson, Kathleen Searles, and Christina Wolbrecht. 2017. “Women Also Know Stuff: Meta-Level Mentoring to Battle Gender Bias in Political Science.” PS: Political Science & Politics, 50(3): 779-783. (ungated)
13. Klar, Samara, Chris Weber, and Yanna Krupnikov. 2017. “Social Desirability Bias in the 2016 Presidential Election.” The Forum, 14(4):433-444. (ungated)
12. Klar, Samara, and Elizabeth Schmitt. 2017. “Framing.” In F. M. Moghaddam (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. (gated)
11. Klar, Samara, and Yanna Krupnikov. 2016. Independent Politics: How American Disdain for Parties Leads to Political Inaction. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. (amazon; online appendix)
10. Klar, Samara. 2016. “Review: The Political Consequences of Motherhood by Jill S. Greenlee.” Journal of Women, Politics & Policy, 37(1): 112-113. (ungated)
9. Klar, Samara, and Spencer Piston. 2015. “The Influence of Competing Organisational Appeals on Individual Donations.” Journal of Public Policy, 35(2): 171-191. (ungated)
8. Druckman, James N., Mauro Gilli, Samara Klar, and Joshua Robison. 2015. “Measuring Drug and Alcohol Use among College Student-Athletes.” Social Science Quarterly, 96: 369-380. (ungated)
7. Klar, Samara. 2014. “Partisanship in a Social Setting.” American Journal of Political Science, 58(3): 687-704. (ungated; data files)
6. Klar, Samara. 2014. “A Multidimensional Study of Ideological Preferences and Priorities among the American Public.” Public Opinion Quarterly, 78(1): 344-359. (ungated)
Klar, Samara. 2014. “Identity Importance and Political Engagement among American Independents.” Political Psychology 35(4): 577-591. (ungated)
5. Klar, Samara, Heather Madonia, and Monica Schneider. 2014. “The Influence of Threatening Parental Primes on Mothers’ versus Fathers’ Policy Preferences.” Politics, Groups, and Identities 2(4): 607-623. (ungated)
4. Druckman, James N., Mauro Gilli, Samara Klar, and Joshua Robison. 2014. “The Role of Social Context in Shaping Student-Athlete Opinions.” PLOS ONE, 9(12): e115159. (ungated)
3. Druckman, James N., Mauro Gilli, Samara Klar, and Joshua Robison. 2014. “Athlete Support for Title IX.” The Sport Journal. (ungated)
2. Klar, Samara. 2013. “The Influence of Competing Identity Primes on Political Preferences.” Journal of Politics 75(4): 1108-1124. (ungated)
1. Klar, Samara, Joshua Robison, and James N. Druckman. 2013. “The Political Dynamics of Framing.” In Travis N. Ridout (Ed.) New Directions in Media and Politics, New York, NY: Routledge. (gated)